среда, 31 октября 2012 г.

Extract emails from website. Email Extractor.

Let me tell you a little bit about a great email extractor I found out recently. It extracts email addresses from websites, blogs, forums and social networks. In some situations you don't know websites you need to extract emails from but you might have relevant and domain specific keywords describing your customers. What you need to do is to enter relevant keywords in the in application and click search inside email extractor.

Email extractor software is a great choice when you need to contact customers and boast about your products. In some cases you don't have desire to scan and extract emails form the whole site . Enter urls to email extractor and it will do the work for you. How to find their contact information such as email addresses from websites ? You can search them manually by using any search engine or run email extractor.

You can find all emails scan files on your hard drive and extract emails. Email extractor can grab emails on websites like forum, blog, Facebook, Twitter or any other website where you think your audience is concentrated. Email extractor can also extract emails from mail boxes, documents , and so on.

Do you know where your potential customers are on internet ? I suppose they are surf on search engines like Google, Bing, social networks like Facebook, Twitter, forums, blogs. What if you have a great product and nobody knows about it. How to reach your audience/customers? You definitely need to advertise it somehow. It is a fact that lots of people have emails. Some of them leave contact info such as emails addresses, phones on sites open.

Extract emails from blogs, forums, websites Enter the site name you want to extract email addresses. Sometimes you don't know where your prospects sits Use these keywords in email extractor and it will search and extract all of them in search engine like bing. The easiest way to sell your products or services is to extract emails of people from websites and send them offers.

понедельник, 22 октября 2012 г.

The forex market - myth or reality?

If you do not avoid the serious events, and any stock exchange or market really is, then I dare say Forex what you need. Then no one will ask and expect you to document the presence of a special economic education, diploma and. t. Dr.. An important role is played by analytical thinking, logic. But in any case, you will be desirable to acquire a basic understanding of the stock market turnover. In forex you can always make money, but you can always lose! . Are you impressed?.
As in any lucrative business to earn more money, you need to put them first. And as if you did not want to make money, but also be prepared to lose them. Earlier, the interbank foreign exchange market, because of the steep financial conditions, was not designed to separate individuals. The leading players were leading currency dealers, banks and influential traders. They and only they have the ability to use and understand the bias of the initial rates of various world currencies and this extraordinary market liquidity.
Exchange brokers are now given the right to influence and small parties, virtually any ordinary person.
Although Forex is risky, do not think that there are laws of chance and luck. Forex is not a casino, and they have nothing in common. Forex - an area where luck plays a role, any change of the exchange rate has a certain logical explanation. Put bluntly, a particular state currency is the economic situation of the state, as well as the interests and needs of themselves as participants in the FX market.
Of course, the predictions for changes in exchange rates, it's problematic, and at first it may seem unwieldy. And before you seriously do this kind of business, I advise you not peruse a book, and after more than a demo account.
After some time, studied the Forex market, you will find that there are many laws.
output. -. Forex market is an important opportunity to make a lot, but only if you have a goal, perseverance, and desire to comprehend and unravel the complexity of the market.

четверг, 7 июня 2012 г.

Hard crisis

http://ibsurgeon. blogspot. com/2008/08/blog-post_18. html.

Up to 40 rubles, we are not there yet, but I'm almost guessing Priors.

So, now the cries of the restoration came, the oil of 60, the optimism of a solid. I'd venture - this is the beginning of the second wave, so you know, pit before covering with a head.

After all, in fact, the first wave of business rather frightened than hit a backhand: had a warning of dismissal, happily cut the exorbitant demands of salaries and bonuses to destroy the. Well, except that roguish builders have suffered, as they yell at each intersection. But it sucked so much money that they feel sorry for it is nothing special: well, drove the Tajiks, hired guards and sit, waiting for when the Resin and Luzhkov will buy from them concrete, if not in 6 pieces per meter, so at least three. Cost is still 1000, confessed themselves. Yeah FIG them.

Dropouts are people (not the Tajiks of the system, industry, and generally laid-off ' for the crisis ') on the porch did not go - a common practice ' to spit on the crisis and the wave in the country ( Turkey / Greece / etc) to heal the wounds '. I've heard about five times those conversations in the minibus.

Again, the summer heat, summer, barbecues, girls with legs in a frivolous skirts on the subway and on the streets ( envy, motorists, you will not see these experiences with no risk to others:)).

Rubber stretches, but the problem is not solved. Grandmother for oil will settle in the banks (well, if in Russian ), and loans to companies and banks will not give, will sit as a dog in the manger.

In fact, any mass problem becomes visible only when the outlines of the idea has gripped the masses (as the classics of Marxism- Leninism ). Now the basic idea of ​​' I am prepared, wait sometime this fucking crisis, I 'm not a fool, did not take the mortgage '.

But come fall, leaves turn yellow and will realize that anything does not sit out, just need the money for everyday expenses. Here then comes the hard crisis.

I hope this time I made ​​a mistake.

вторник, 5 июня 2012 г.

LovePlanet.ru partners will pay th '13 '

Loveplanet Dating Service today announced a New Year offer for partner sites. In the period from December 31 to January 7, all partners of the service will receive a 100 % profit from fee-based services used by their visitors instead of the conventional 50%.

Recall the fall of the company encouraged the expansion of affiliate network, increasing the size of the partnership deductions. In November, one of the female form of site- registered partner could get $ 0.30 and $ 0.20 - for the male (in late June, users pay for only 5-10 cents).

On the eve of the holidays ' Mamba ' is also promised many good things to their partners, but only next year. ... Told ' Vebplaneta ' president Nikita Sherman, the main innovation will be a flexible range of tariff plans, they will give partners the opportunity to earn more with the active involvement of the traffic.

' Partners interested in working with LovePlanet. ru just because they get money for each registered form, and ARPU ( average revenue per user ) in the ' Mamba ' is much higher - says Sherman, - so that it is hardly LovePlanet partners strongly felt by the increase in commissions during the holidays '.

The quality of ' purchased ' questionnaires ' Mamba ' is also a low opinion, and to illustrate their own lead indicators LovePlanet. ru in the audience today, for example, the system service recorded 43 million. registered users (screenshot), which is much higher than in the general audience Runet.

I should add that since December the collection of statistics on the number of users ' Mamba ' engaged ' ROMIR '. ' From this point on, all the statistics in the automatic mode is checked by an independent source. The first results showed that daily attendance of more than 1.5 million people, and weekly - 5000000 ' - told us in the ' Mamba '.

Asked to comment on racing performance of its audience, in the other screenshot LovePlanet answered and said: ' Apparently, the representative of the Mamba has abused that flaunts the banner on top, and he has double vision '.

Criticism about the quality of the partner network in the company, too, reject the. ' In connection with the coming new year and the upcoming holidays, we are preparing a surprise for our customers and partners, which are traditionally, and not temporarily, are the main driving force behind the development of our system. Largely thanks to the cooperation with partners Loveplanet. ru become the premier brand of market dating sites in RuNet ', - says Mikhail Gurevich, General Director of ...

stfw. ru.

суббота, 2 июня 2012 г.

Released an addon to the Satellite-X

visual editor config.

Now, do not necessarily understand something in PHP to edit your Satellite.

Fixed problem with REGISTER_GLOBALS - now do not need to include. Those who still have problems, please download the updated index. php.

But. as indexed by Yandex website.

Already 97 people have chosen our product, dozens of satellites taken in SAPE. Sign Up!.

Price is still the script. 25 WMZ.

Only three script license to share a copy of '100 ': 98 a copy (17WMZ), 99 a copy (16WMZ), a copy of the 100 (1WMZ).

Official site of the script:. satellite-x. rugate. info.
To purchase, as before, knock on ICQ or PM.

среда, 30 мая 2012 г.

Who were not vigilant JUNE 22?

Moscow. September 28, 1939. Molotov ( in Stalin's presence - in the background ), signed an agreement with Germany on the borders of friendship.
Accurate answers to this question in the Soviet period was not due to different reasons. Stalin was not profitable to give impartial assessment of a public criminal acts (often - criminal inaction ) generals, on which he relied. After the 45th - so as not to mar the face of inconvenient truth victorious army. Khrushchev even distorted it by making a scapegoat of Stalin, knocking him all the mistakes and errors. Accurate and complete picture of the fatal June 1941, we still do not. None of the West, where the truth too often ignored or distorted - often for political reasons. Yes, talk about Stalin's fault can be as long as the head of state is responsible for everything that happens in the state headed by him. Is the concept of ... So Stalin was responsible, of course, for the failure in June 1941, but do not blame him. Someone will say, oh, something surprising twisted. And then who is to blame? . Moreover, based not on emotions or passions, and the pre- ku -men.
- max! . And some of them do not fit the stereotypes of understanding of the war. What convinced today, many millions of people? . It turns out that they had seen everything but this ... Stalin allegedly restrained generals ignored the intelligence Sorge, but believed ...
When starting to talk about the supposedly ... But the text itself, ... And no responsible leader would not take any serious action on the basis of such reports, even if it comes from a hundred times more trusted and reliable informant. In addition, Sorge have already pointed out earlier timing attacks, which were not confirmed. However, even this is not so important! . not reported. June 16, 2001 the central organ of the Russian Defense Ministry - the newspaper ... Among them - and the recognition of the Foreign Intelligence Service, Colonel Karpov:.

... Such ... Then add psychology, came up with a vengeful Stalin.

Here is another famous ...

In recent years, many workers are amenable to the brazen provocation and causing panic. The X- Hawk staff, Carmen, Diamond, True (in nature has never existed. - In. B. ) For the systematic misinformation to erase the camp dust as abettors of provocateurs who want to embroil us with Germany. The rest is strictly warn. A. Beria.

September 1939. German tank crews ... Who knew that a half years they will become enemies.

June 21, 1941.

Or here's another quote from the alleged alleged memo to Stalin, Beria supposedly from the same June 21, 1941:.

... B. ) On the withdrawal of our ambassador and Punishment in Berlin Dekanozov, which continues to bombard me ... He said that this ... The same radioed Major General in the. and. Deadlocks, the military attache in Berlin. This blunt, General argues that the three groups of Wehrmacht armies would advance on Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev. But I and my people.

Stalin firmly remember your wise destiny: in 1941, Hitler would not attack us!.

These lines are walking on the printed pages for many years, and some consider themselves ...

But this is ignorant nonsense! . Therefore, from February 3, 1941 the NKVD, that is, from Beria, was not foreign intelligence!.

But how many know about it? .

As for the ... In official papers of the era was a well-defined dictionary. Phrases were also built in a certain way. And one use of slang expressions ... Real close to Beria, and I would not write like Stalin! . In this primitive slyapannoy ...

In reality, Dekanozov was inclined to agree with his longtime collaborator, resident intelligence NKGB Amayak Kobulov, which the Germans to strategic disinformation agent - framed double Berlinksa, who had in the KGB, code named ... So any ... Stalin solved this misinformation.

I quote from the collection of documents on SMERSH during the period from 1939 to 1946 (M. , MFD, Mainland, 2006):.

... Maybe send your ... Aviation fucked -tion to the mother. This is not a ... and. Article. ...

This visa is now also often cited as an argument to the alleged ... However, archival documents, as well as visas for them, should be read carefully. In Special report Merkulov were given two reports, and Stalin negatively assessed only one! . And to do so Stalin had good reason, because the latter - pre-war, as it turned out, a report ...
ORDER Tymoshenko.

December 27, 1940 the new People's Commissar of Defense, Marshal Timoshenko, who had replaced Marshal Voroshilov issued order number 0367, which read:.


№ 0145 required mandatory masking all newly constructed operational airfields. General Directorate of Red Army Air Force, these events had to not only timely, but also throughout the Air Force airfield network. However, none of the districts due attention to this order is not paid and did not comply. ...

No order was made, and the People's Commissar Voroshilov № 0145 dated 9. 09. 39. The main blame for this lies, of course, the inspector -general of the Air Force, Assistant Chief of Staff of the Red Army aviation twice Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant General Yaakov Smushkevich Aviation and Chief of the Air Force, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant General of Aviation Pavel lever. These two leaders of the pre-war Air Force shot down after the war began. In the case they were shot or innocent.

So whether it is necessary after such a surprise that the war began as it started?.

September 27, 1941. Soviet soldiers captured German machine guns at gunpoint. By the autumn of 1941 Hitler's army has captivated only in Ukraine 675 thousand of our soldiers and officers.

What you remember MARSHAL Meretskov?.

Marshal Meretskov in his memoirs, told an interesting detail. In the last pre-war Sunday, is June 15, 1941, he was - then the deputy commissar for military training - was in the Western Special Military District and observed the teaching of the aviation. Suddenly in the midst of teaching at the airport got a German plane. Next - a direct quote on the fifth, 1988, edition of the memoirs politizdatovskomu Meretskov (p. 197):.

All that happened was at the airport for his field of observation ( the German aircraft. - In. B. ) crew.

Not believing my eyes, I addressed a question to the district commander of the D. T. Pavlov. He replied that he ordered the chief of the Civil Aviation of the USSR at this airport told the German passenger aircraft to take. It angered me. I ordered a telegram addressed to and. In. Stalin's improper actions of civil authorities and firmly scolded Pavlova for what it is about these orders did not inform the People's Commissar of Defense. Then I turned to the chief of aviation district Hero of the Soviet Union and. and. Koptsev.

What have you got going on? .

Kopec calmly replied:.

Then I will shoot.

Exactly one week later the 32- year-old shot Kopec. His boss was later shot by Pavlov. In the case or not?.

Thanks to the many sources of information, Stalin in early June knew that the war will start very soon. And the ... Hitler! .

Documents can reconstruct the course of the events of those days.

Stalin received reports of impending war on illegal and legal foreign land from the KGB, residencies Merkulov, General Golikov of illegals from the GRU of the General Staff, the military attache and through diplomatic channels. But all this can be a strategic provocation of the West, who sees the clash of the USSR and Germany's own salvation. However, there is created Beria Border Exploration, and that is what information to trust not only possible but necessary. This integrated information from the periphery of such an extensive intelligence network, it can only be a reliable. And this information proves the proximity of war. But how to check out all the final?.

Ideal - ask Hitler about his true intentions. Hitler is not the environment, and he himself, because Fuhrer than once, even for the environment suddenly changed the timing of its own orders! .

And Stalin, June 18, 1941 refers to Hitler an urgent direction Molotov to Berlin for mutual consultation. This is not a hypothesis but a fact, noted in his diary the Army Chief of Staff Franz Halder Reich. Normative for any serious historian of the war power has been issued by the Military Publishing House of the Ministry of Defence of the USSR in 1968 - 1971, respectively, and on page 579- D of the 2nd volume among other items, June 20, 1941 we find:.

Molotov wanted 18. 06 to speak with the Fuhrer.

One phrase - I wanted to, but somehow did not talk! .

And this phrase, reliably records the fact that Stalin, Hitler, suggestions for a temporary visit to Berlin, Molotov, completely reverses the whole picture of the last pre-war days!.


However zryashny work to look this fact in any of the official history of the war. Indeed, this fact destroys the whole well-established - as we do, and in the West - a scheme! .

Stalin suggested - perhaps even 17 June 1941. Hitler refused to allow him no later than June 18. To go to a meeting with the Deputy Fuhrer Stalin could not in any way.

Even if Hitler began to pull with the answer, it would be for proof of Stalin's next war. But Hitler refused to do. Immediately!.

And Stalin realized that it is a war.

Realizing that Hitler made ​​up his mind -after the war with Russia, Stalin immediately ( no later than June 18 in the evening ) began to give appropriate instructions of the People's Commissariat of Defense. Management of the NKVD, Beria, that is, with his guards, warning there was no need - they warned Stalin. Time!.

Soviet intelligence the day before the war, ... This is confirmed in a note to Stalin, Molotov and Beria, Merkulov directed Commissar GB June 21, 1941, with the text of conversation between the two foreign diplomats in Moscow, held June 20. Part of the text shown below:.


- Yesterday. He saw Timoshenko and Zhukov.

- You were with him?.

- I was with him.

But he did not ask? . And here all concerned - the war, the war.

And know in advance so that the efforts of many large and small reconnaissance undertaken in recent months, capped personal explorations of Stalin! .


So, three days before the war, Stalin through Molotov finished probing the intentions of Hitler and realized that the war on the nose. And ordered the army leadership on high alert. Events on the other side of the border grew, and June 21, 1941 Stalin seems to have sanctioned the second directive in the belief that first made. His first directive on the willingness to attack was given by Stalin, I think, immediately after the flight of Colonel Zakharov alarming packets to the border and ... It seems that the directive itself has been destroyed - most likely in the Khrushchev era. But a number of parts the last 3 weeks of pre-war days, it proves the existence. Thus, the Admiral Kuznetsov in his memoir ...

TASS report of 14 June sounds illogical especially now that we know how to react to him, Hitler. June 17, that is just three days later, he gave the order to launch Operation Barbarossa plan to dawn on June 22. Looking through the reports from the fleet, we see increased activity of the Germans on the sea from that fateful numbers - June 17.

However, all is just logical! . He, too, was no fool. Troops of the Reich made ​​and waiting, and then Stalin, Hitler put into a situation ... And the Fuhrer certainly realized after his refusal to meet with Molotov, Stalin would have to take urgent measures in the border military districts. This means that the element of surprise attacks threatened.

And Hitler gave the final order.

No, Stalin had the war not missed. And intelligence reports Calendar elders and Corsicans, prepared intelligence to KGB, June 20, remained unclaimed, not because Stalin did not trust these messages, so that after June 18, 1941 for additional inform Stalin was no longer needs the unwitting informant was Stalin himself .

Permanent address.

News from Skypecine. com.

воскресенье, 27 мая 2012 г.

On the competition ' Creative Initiative '

In Arzamas is actively developing. project activities of libraries.
For five years, Arzamas libraries have developed and submitted to the city competition ... Topics of projects have been varied:. Local History. and guidance,. summer reading. and. advertising activity. ,. Library work with the family. , Maternal reading and literary education, and more. But most importantly - bring to reading and book.

The work was carried out with different groups: preschool children, school students, colleges and universities, expectant mothers, families, teenagers with disabilities, veterans and persons with disabilities. As part of the design of the library cooperated with the administration of Mr.. Arzamas, institutions, social and health services, with schools and community organizations. The participants of the library activities of the project was more than 11 thousand people.

In 2010,. winners were.

more ».

суббота, 26 мая 2012 г.

We will turn alien to Christianity

The Catholic Church wants to extraterrestrials have become devout.
According to the newspaper Daily Mail, the papal astronomer Guy Konsolmadzho (Pope's Astronomer, Guy Consolmagno) made ​​a presentation at the British Science Festival (British Science Festival). And said that he believes in aliens. Like, the thought of them, it does not bother.
I'll be very happy if we find life in the universe - he said - will be very happy if we find intelligent life.

Dr. Konsolmadzho - one of 12 astronomers working at the Vatican, said that for centuries the Holy See supports research. And now many of them funded. The doctor is engaged in meteorites. Although pleased talks about aliens.

Presumably, the papal astronomer is of the opinion prevailing at the Vatican. And not just from himself says that God - not only for people but for all beings in the universe, including the angels and the representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations.
Astronomers confirm that the universe is full of places where they could live brothers and sisters in Mind.

Alien Konsolmadzho gives soul. As people.

- No matter how many tentacles a rational being, his soul is still there - says astronomer.

And where the soul, there is the afterlife? . But it is solvable, in his opinion.

- If necessary, we will turn our alien to Christianity - not joking papal astronomer. And thus continued an already established tradition in the Vatican to speak out about extraterrestrial life.
Guy believes aliens Konsolmadzho mental. The Lord is the same for the entire universe.
Recall that first began to talk about aliens Father Jose Gabriel Funes - recognized in the scientific community astronomer and head of the Vatican Observatory Spekoly, located at the summer residence of the Pope. A couple of years ago in the newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, which publishes the Vatican, an article appeared under the name of the scientist ' Aliens - my brothers '. And caused a rapid response to worldwide. Since listening to such speeches. They look authoritative. And suggest that the Catholic leadership knows a secret, which is a part and share.

Similarly, respect for the opinion of mainstream scientists, far from the faith - especially those who deny. For example, Stephen Hawking, who, on the contrary, ' crushes ' ​​on aliens. Suspects that they will be vicious creatures. In other words, do not consider them my brothers.

Funes declared that it is possible to combine faith in God and in intelligent life on other planets. Like, the other one does not contradict. Moreover, he admits that aliens exist. In particular, far ahead of us in the development of. And made ​​them all the same Lord God who is the same for the entire universe.

- Time on Earth is represented by a great variety of creatures, then surely somewhere there may be other, created by God, including reasonable - preaches astronomer. - We do not limit his creative freedom.

- Even St. Francis of Assisi - continues Funes - thought all earthly creatures of our brothers and sisters. So why not treat people the same way to the aliens? .

Of course, the aliens must be paid to the Christian faith. Better - in the Orthodox. Although Muslims may have a different opinion.

According to the scientist, human- brothers in mind along with the people can rely on the atonement and salvation given by Jesus Christ, as well as on the divine mercy.

At the same time, Funes said that some aliens may be free from original sin. Although it does not explain what he meant. Perhaps, suggests that individual members of Extraterrestrial Intelligence multiply by a non- sexual.

Who knows... It is predicted more than 40 years ago, Vladimir Vysotsky 's song about the inhabitants of the Tau Ceti: ...

For connoisseurs of the testimony, and his father, Gabriel, and his colleagues at Guy's does not look quite so weird. The Vatican has over 10 years of paying attention to aliens. And the previous Pope himself said in 1999 that Almighty God was free to create intelligent life not only on Earth.

Ufology same warmed many conspiracy novels, spreading rumors about the existence of a special Vatican commission to study the contacts with the aliens, which analyzes information from nuntsianskih embassies around the world.

In addition, it is known that the Vatican is working closely with intelligence agencies, a lively interest in UFOs, secret funds several institutions and leases powerful telescope in Arizona (USA). I do not cook a flock to the official meeting with the aliens, whose existence is certain the Vatican?.

By the way.

... ...

Back in the constellation of Tau Ceti Everything became clear to us: send a signal: ... At Tau Keith live in overcrowded conditions - Live, among other things, in different ways - our comrades in Mind.

That is, moving the light beam without assistance, but by means of, for I Tau Ceti this same fly, So to fix it in place. At Tau Ceti Chegoy something is wrong - there taukitayskaya strayed brethren - according to our notions of.

Meanwhile, I 'm lying in suspended animation, taukityane Those rowdy, more rarely with them, I go out on the link: Oh, they are hooligans. In taukitov words in the alphabet - A little bit, and the system - the bourgeois, and humor in them - the ugly.

The ship put me as your own ass, slightly curled Reflector. I shouted in taukitayski: ...

I taukityanin - you Papuan, I briefly hinted about them. I shouted, ... At Tau Keith Terms wrong: There is no atmosphere, then stuffy - but welcome taukityane.

In the heat of the moment, I shouted to them: your mother, they say!. But my guide cyber So I just moved, That I was ashamed of himself. But taukity - These beasts - probably managed to gather: That will come, then dissolved.

... ... ...

I do not remember how I picked up my spaceship, I fly in the mood tavern: Earth after three hundred years had gone forward by Einstein's theory vile! .

Vladimir Vysotsky, 1966.

Permanent address.
News from Skypecine. com.