понедельник, 22 октября 2012 г.

The forex market - myth or reality?

If you do not avoid the serious events, and any stock exchange or market really is, then I dare say Forex what you need. Then no one will ask and expect you to document the presence of a special economic education, diploma and. t. Dr.. An important role is played by analytical thinking, logic. But in any case, you will be desirable to acquire a basic understanding of the stock market turnover. In forex you can always make money, but you can always lose! . Are you impressed?.
As in any lucrative business to earn more money, you need to put them first. And as if you did not want to make money, but also be prepared to lose them. Earlier, the interbank foreign exchange market, because of the steep financial conditions, was not designed to separate individuals. The leading players were leading currency dealers, banks and influential traders. They and only they have the ability to use and understand the bias of the initial rates of various world currencies and this extraordinary market liquidity.
Exchange brokers are now given the right to influence and small parties, virtually any ordinary person.
Although Forex is risky, do not think that there are laws of chance and luck. Forex is not a casino, and they have nothing in common. Forex - an area where luck plays a role, any change of the exchange rate has a certain logical explanation. Put bluntly, a particular state currency is the economic situation of the state, as well as the interests and needs of themselves as participants in the FX market.
Of course, the predictions for changes in exchange rates, it's problematic, and at first it may seem unwieldy. And before you seriously do this kind of business, I advise you not peruse a book, and after more than a demo account.
After some time, studied the Forex market, you will find that there are many laws.
output. -. Forex market is an important opportunity to make a lot, but only if you have a goal, perseverance, and desire to comprehend and unravel the complexity of the market.

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