суббота, 26 мая 2012 г.

We will turn alien to Christianity

The Catholic Church wants to extraterrestrials have become devout.
According to the newspaper Daily Mail, the papal astronomer Guy Konsolmadzho (Pope's Astronomer, Guy Consolmagno) made ​​a presentation at the British Science Festival (British Science Festival). And said that he believes in aliens. Like, the thought of them, it does not bother.
I'll be very happy if we find life in the universe - he said - will be very happy if we find intelligent life.

Dr. Konsolmadzho - one of 12 astronomers working at the Vatican, said that for centuries the Holy See supports research. And now many of them funded. The doctor is engaged in meteorites. Although pleased talks about aliens.

Presumably, the papal astronomer is of the opinion prevailing at the Vatican. And not just from himself says that God - not only for people but for all beings in the universe, including the angels and the representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations.
Astronomers confirm that the universe is full of places where they could live brothers and sisters in Mind.

Alien Konsolmadzho gives soul. As people.

- No matter how many tentacles a rational being, his soul is still there - says astronomer.

And where the soul, there is the afterlife? . But it is solvable, in his opinion.

- If necessary, we will turn our alien to Christianity - not joking papal astronomer. And thus continued an already established tradition in the Vatican to speak out about extraterrestrial life.
Guy believes aliens Konsolmadzho mental. The Lord is the same for the entire universe.
Recall that first began to talk about aliens Father Jose Gabriel Funes - recognized in the scientific community astronomer and head of the Vatican Observatory Spekoly, located at the summer residence of the Pope. A couple of years ago in the newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, which publishes the Vatican, an article appeared under the name of the scientist ' Aliens - my brothers '. And caused a rapid response to worldwide. Since listening to such speeches. They look authoritative. And suggest that the Catholic leadership knows a secret, which is a part and share.

Similarly, respect for the opinion of mainstream scientists, far from the faith - especially those who deny. For example, Stephen Hawking, who, on the contrary, ' crushes ' ​​on aliens. Suspects that they will be vicious creatures. In other words, do not consider them my brothers.

Funes declared that it is possible to combine faith in God and in intelligent life on other planets. Like, the other one does not contradict. Moreover, he admits that aliens exist. In particular, far ahead of us in the development of. And made ​​them all the same Lord God who is the same for the entire universe.

- Time on Earth is represented by a great variety of creatures, then surely somewhere there may be other, created by God, including reasonable - preaches astronomer. - We do not limit his creative freedom.

- Even St. Francis of Assisi - continues Funes - thought all earthly creatures of our brothers and sisters. So why not treat people the same way to the aliens? .

Of course, the aliens must be paid to the Christian faith. Better - in the Orthodox. Although Muslims may have a different opinion.

According to the scientist, human- brothers in mind along with the people can rely on the atonement and salvation given by Jesus Christ, as well as on the divine mercy.

At the same time, Funes said that some aliens may be free from original sin. Although it does not explain what he meant. Perhaps, suggests that individual members of Extraterrestrial Intelligence multiply by a non- sexual.

Who knows... It is predicted more than 40 years ago, Vladimir Vysotsky 's song about the inhabitants of the Tau Ceti: ...

For connoisseurs of the testimony, and his father, Gabriel, and his colleagues at Guy's does not look quite so weird. The Vatican has over 10 years of paying attention to aliens. And the previous Pope himself said in 1999 that Almighty God was free to create intelligent life not only on Earth.

Ufology same warmed many conspiracy novels, spreading rumors about the existence of a special Vatican commission to study the contacts with the aliens, which analyzes information from nuntsianskih embassies around the world.

In addition, it is known that the Vatican is working closely with intelligence agencies, a lively interest in UFOs, secret funds several institutions and leases powerful telescope in Arizona (USA). I do not cook a flock to the official meeting with the aliens, whose existence is certain the Vatican?.

By the way.

... ...

Back in the constellation of Tau Ceti Everything became clear to us: send a signal: ... At Tau Keith live in overcrowded conditions - Live, among other things, in different ways - our comrades in Mind.

That is, moving the light beam without assistance, but by means of, for I Tau Ceti this same fly, So to fix it in place. At Tau Ceti Chegoy something is wrong - there taukitayskaya strayed brethren - according to our notions of.

Meanwhile, I 'm lying in suspended animation, taukityane Those rowdy, more rarely with them, I go out on the link: Oh, they are hooligans. In taukitov words in the alphabet - A little bit, and the system - the bourgeois, and humor in them - the ugly.

The ship put me as your own ass, slightly curled Reflector. I shouted in taukitayski: ...

I taukityanin - you Papuan, I briefly hinted about them. I shouted, ... At Tau Keith Terms wrong: There is no atmosphere, then stuffy - but welcome taukityane.

In the heat of the moment, I shouted to them: your mother, they say!. But my guide cyber So I just moved, That I was ashamed of himself. But taukity - These beasts - probably managed to gather: That will come, then dissolved.

... ... ...

I do not remember how I picked up my spaceship, I fly in the mood tavern: Earth after three hundred years had gone forward by Einstein's theory vile! .

Vladimir Vysotsky, 1966.

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